Szymon Kula (1994) – Born in Katowice, where he graduated from Fine Arts School. Nowadays he is styudying on the painting faculty within Art University in Poznań. In 2014 he cofunded science project ”Kij w obraz”: Having organised meetings, lectures and debates with artists and art critics. Szymon has won the Santander Universidades Prize for comprehensive artistic activity. He also managed to acquire schollarship from Minister of Culture & National Heritage, from Adam Mickiewicz’s University and Katowice City President. Szymon Kula takes his interests in widely understood painting and performance.
He took part in many competitions, and festivals like:
- 11.2015 Performance Art Meeting, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin
11.2015 Ogólnopolska Płaszczyzna Wymiany Akademickiej, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku
11.2015 Konkurs Malarki im. Wojciecha Fangora, ASP Gdańsk
09.2015 International Performance Festival, Lwów
06.2015 48th Festival „Stunden Neukoln NotAufhame”, UP Gallery, Berlin
06.2015 Międzynarodowy Konkurs Malarski„Trzy Mosty”, Warszawa
05.2015 Klascycy i adepci Polskiej Sztuki Perforamance, ASP Katowice
03.2015 Unease/ Niepokój, UP Gallery, Berlin
03.2015 Trzy, cztery, Performance! Festiwal, Galeria BWA, Zielona Góra
04.2014 Student's Drawing Exhibition, Galeria Wozownia, Toruń