Marita Bullmann is a performance, installation and photography artist.
She lives and works in Essen, Germany. Marita studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany and in the same period went to Israel to study at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, where she followed classes in Performance Art with Adina Bar-On. 2011 she graduated with distinctions at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany.
Together with Boris Nieslony (Black Market International) and others, she founded 2011 PAErsche, an action-laboratory, which focuses on encounters and networking as a gift and cooperation. (
Since 2013 she is the organizer and art director of the performance platform INTERVAL with artists from all over Europe and China. (
Marita uses everyday materials in her performances, which is a familiar phenomenon for performance artists. But each one has its own way to handle it. Noted that Marita keeps the number of materials for each performance minimal, which is helpful to keep the action focused and clear.
What happens between Marita and the material is that it becomes a comparison between shapes, structures and movements of what the material is capable of. It?s an exploration of how the material reacts on the bodies? movement and vice versa. She is searching for images and actions which manifest the beauty of now and its simplicity.
Artist statement:
Within my work I examine situations that are present in our everyday life but not perceived consciously.
Small, delicate moments illustrate how I detect the world around me.
Materials are decontextualised from their original use and provided with new different characteristics.
I explore moments in which the intrinsic context is transferred which communicates a gaze, an opinion as well as values, tempers and peculiarities.
My intention is to affect normal visual and perceptual mechanisms far away from their cultural coinages and to create a new ?space? that reminds us of how different we perceive things. I?m searching for images and actions which manifest the beauty of now and its simplicity.